With more than 3,100 annual distracted driving deaths, it’s safe to say that this growing epidemic is something that needs to change. As we have previously discussed, distracted driving causes harm to many drivers across the nation. The worst part is, it’s completely preventable. Many people acknowledge the dangers associated with driving distracted and choose to do so anyway.
We hope that by providing some helpful tips to avoid driving distracted, we can help spread the awareness of the dangers associated with distracted driving.
Keep away from your phone while behind the wheel. Storing your phone out of sight and placing it in “do not disturb” mode can help you avoid the temptation of checking your device while driving.
Do not multitask. All too often, people use the excuse, “I’m good at multitasking; I can text and drive fine.” According to a study done by the National Safety Council, the human brain cannot physically do two complex tasks at the same time. Instead, the brain swaps between the two tasks, leaving room for error—in this case, that error could be a severe car accident.
Don’t make yourself a distraction. If you know that friends or family members are driving, do not contact them. Waiting to text or call will ensure they are not being bothered by tempting distractions while they drive.
Speak to your employer. We live in a world where the vast majority of the things we do can be accessed online, including work. Many industries require their employees to reply to work emails and requests at all times. If you work in a place like this, speak with your employer about creating a system where you are not required to check communications while driving.
Keep children and pets safely seated. It’s important to keep your children and pets in a safe location before you depart. Not only will this help keep them safe, but it will also free you of another possible distraction.
Be a good role model. As a parent driver, you can set a good example for your children by driving distraction-free.
Know your route before you leave. It may not seem like updating your GPS is a distraction, since so many of us do it while driving. However, it is just as dangerous as any other distraction, so be sure to know where you’re going before you leave. If you must change directions, pull over, or have your passenger update your GPS settings.
Don’t just keep silent. Distracted driving is everyone’s responsibility, even when you are not behind the wheel. If you are the passenger and the driver is driving distracted, be sure to let them know you don’t feel comfortable with their behavior. It could be the difference between saving a life or not.
Set restrictions. Teens are by far the most distracted drivers, with distractions being a key factor in over 58% of all teen car accidents. Excess passengers are said to be the biggest reason behind the distractions. Be sure to put measures in place, so your teen knows the dangers of driving distracted. Limiting the number of passengers they take with them until they are more experienced is a great start.
Avoid picking up items. The cracks on the sides of driver seats where everything seems to fall might as well be a black hole, as it takes countless hours to retrieve items lost in there. Avoid reaching for things you drop while driving, as this is a very dangerous distraction.
Remember always to keep your attention on the road as best as you can. Keeping your focus on your drive can help make the road safer for everyone.
For more information about distracted driving, or to find out how our team at The Stewart Law Firm can help with an accident involving a distracted driver, give us a call today (512)271-5112. We also offer free case evaluations to help ensure that those who need legal assistance can receive it.